Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Golden Friends

Good morning all, I hope life is treating you well.

When I was in the Girl Guide program in Almonte, Ontario, there was a song we used to sing.
"Make new friends but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold."

I have been blessed over the years with the gift of true friendship, and my friend Jennifer is one of those golden friends. We met in the doorway of the Almonte Public Library in September of 1986. We started talking and 32 years later we still can't shut up.

We have seen each other through bad first marriages and child raising and home construction. I remember spending a weekend out in Almonte drywalling her living room wall.

All great memories. I had the pleasure of recently spending a Saturday with her. We planned to meet where we always do, at the Library in Almonte and go for a nice lunch somewhere. Our day ended up being a roadtrip to Perth, lunch at a Wendy's and delivering auto parts to her partner Serge
 We took the backroads to get there and we laughed and chatted and it brought me back to my high school days of cruising the back roads, listening to music and just being with friends.

What I wish for all.of you today is if you have an old friend you haven't talked to in a while, take a minute to call and say hi. Who knows maybe you'll end up on a back road somewhere reminiscing about the old days.

Thank you Jen for a wonderful 32 years of friendship. Could not imagine my kife without you.

God bless.


  1. Thank you Sally! We always find a way to enjoy each other here and there. It's always golden time too, just like the magic hour at the start and end of each day.
    Hugs my dear, here's to many more years to chatter together!

    1. So many good memories Jenny, and so many more ahead of us. Your also right about those golden moments in the day. There is nothing more beautiful ťhan the beauty of a sunrise and sunset.
