Wednesday, January 2, 2019

New year, new possibilities

There is a great line from the movie Forest Gump, "Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're going to get."

For me personally I don't see that as a bad thing, I mean hey we're talking chocolate.

Finding the good in anything can sometimes be difficult, but especially in life, and in lemons.

But hidden within their sourness is that gem of a juice that when mixed with the right amounts if water and sugar, becomes that popular drink that reminds us of summers by the beach or pool, picnics and camping. All wonderful memories from my childhood.

These are the times that makes up our most treasured memories in life, and all from a sour, yellow fruit that while it smells great lets be honest it tastes absolutely awful.

So my challenge to all you out there is this. On those bad days that we all have just remember the story of the lemon. Take that bad day and squeeze the juice out of it and make some lemonade.

It's easy to write off a bad day but it won't make you feel any better, but finding something positive in that day stays with you forever.

God Bless.

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